When a meteor hits the moon and knocks it closer in orbit to the earth, nothing will ever be the same. Worldwide tidal waves. Earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions. And that's just the beginning.
About a week ago I finished 'Life as we knew it' by Susan Beth Pfeffer and it was really, really great. It's about a teenage girl and her family and what happens to them after a meteor collides with the moon, knocking it closer to earth and screwing up everything. And I mean, EVERYTHING! The tides, the weather, tectonic plates. Told from Miranda's point of view in the form of a diary, it felt so real which made it scarier. To be honest, it started a little slow and because it's her diary, there's not much background in regards to some people and events that have already happened but when it picks up, it was literally almost impossible to put down. The ending came quick (probably because I was so enamored by it) and it left me wanting more, in an almost breathless sort of way.
There are two companion books to go along with this, 'The dead and the gone' and 'This world we live in'. 'The dead and the gone' is told from a guy in New York's point of view, same time frame as Miranda's story but 'This world we live in' takes place after both of the other two books. I've not read either one of them yet but I fully plan on it. And soon.
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